Expert Divorce Mediation Trainings in NJ and NY

We provide mediation and conflict resolution training and workshops for those looking to practice mediation themselves. There are 3 different trainings that we offer periodically.

Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce Training

On Nov. 2, 3, and 6, NJICLE in cooperation with the New Jersey Council of Collaborative Practice Groups (NJCCPG) will present Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce Training 2023.

Collaborative law is a voluntary, non-adversarial settlement process in which the parties, represented by attorneys pursuant to a Participation Agreement and with the assistance of other collaborative professionals (such as financial and mental health practitioners trained in collaborative law) engage in good faith, non-adversarial negotiations, to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the dispute without court intervention. It applies to all types of family law disputes, including divorce, custody, parenting time, equitable distribution of assets, and premarital agreements, to name a few, as well as post-judgment or post-settlement disputes whether the underlying matter was litigated in court or resolved by Alternative Dispute Resolution methods, such as Collaborative Law, Mediation or Arbitration.

A 3-Day Training Program

– Thurs., Nov. 2 | 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Zoom Only)

– Fri., Nov. 3 | 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (In-Person Only – New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick)

– Mon., Nov. 6 | 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (In-Person Only- New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick)

Collaborative practice has grown exponentially throughout the state, especially after the passage of the Collaborative Law Act in 2014. This comprehensive interdisciplinary training will provide you with the background, practices, and skills needed to begin and expand your collaborative family law practice. New Jersey’s leading Collaborative Practitioners will provide participants with the necessary foundation to understand and practice collaborative family law, with a deeper understanding of the skills necessary to help couples (and their children) reach optimal and lasting solutions through the collaborative process. In addition to a thorough explanation of the collaborative process, we will examine the relevant ethical issues involved. This training will address the role of law and lawyers in mediation.

This training meets the requirements of all New Jersey State Collaborative Practice Groups as well as the standards of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP)

Click here to register for Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce Training 2023.

For questions or to register by phone, please contact an association representative at 732-214-8500 or by email at

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Basic 40-Hour Divorce Mediation Training

This is a comprehensive 40-hour divorce mediation training that is designed to cover basic theory and skills of divorce mediation including divorce law, financial aspects of divorce, parenting issues and family dynamics

  • This training will address the role of law and lawyers in mediation.
  • Includes a full basic mediation training, including basic theory and skills.
  • Trainings taught by trainers certified by the community of Dispute Resolution Center’s program of the New York State Unified Court System.
  • Upon completion, participants will be eligible to participate in New York’s Center’s Advanced Mediation trainings and Continuing Education programs

This training meets the mediation requirements of the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals, the New Jersey Collaborative Law groups and the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators.

Contact us for more information

Advanced Divorce Mediation Training

  • This is an advanced comprehensive 24-Hour Divorce Mediation Training that is designed to cover basic theory and skills of divorce mediation including divorce law, financial aspects of divorce, parenting issues and family dynamics.
  • Pre-requisite: Only individuals that have completed a prior Basic Mediation Training are eligible to register for this training* (If you are not sure if your training meets this requirement, please call to discuss.)
  • This training will address the role of law and lawyers in mediation.
  • Training taught by trainers certified by Community Dispute Resolution Centers Program of the New York State Unified Court System.
  • Upon completion, participants will be eligible to participate in New York Center’s advanced mediation trainings and continuing education programs.

Contact us for more information

16-Hour Advanced Matrimonial Mediation Training

November 7, 8 & 9,  2022 (9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)

Join us for a comprehensive 16-Hour Virtual Advanced Matrimonial Mediation Training. This program is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the conceptual backdrop, legal framework and advanced skills necessary to support their work in family and divorce mediation. Due to current circumstances, and the virtual nature of the program, we are changing the training from a two-day to a three-day program, and shortening the times that the training will run each day.

Collaborative Divorce Training

Interested in experiencing the power of the interdisciplinary team model in Collaborative Divorce?

Eager to expand your marketing niche to a new family law service?

Wondering how Collaborative Practice is different than the settlement negotiations that you have been engaged in for all these years?

Looking to take a refresher from an earlier Collaborative training?

This is the course for you

This comprehensive and intensive interdisciplinary training is a great introduction to the theories, practices and skills needed to begin and expand your Collaborative Divorce Practice. Leading Collaborative Practitioners will provide participants with the necessary foundation to understand and practice Collaborative Divorce, and a deeper understanding of the concepts and the skills, necessary toward helping couples and their children reach optimal and lasting solutions through the Collaborative Process.

This training meets the requirements of all New Jersey State Collaborative Practice Groups as well as the standards of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) and the NY Collaborative Law Group.

Contact us for more information

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New York

One Grand Central Place, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165

New Jersey


Phone: 201-836-0777

One University Plaza,
Suite 214
Hackensack, NJ 07601



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